Sunday, February 23, 2025

Restoring the Temple

Beyth-el is the Biblical Hebrew name of the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. (Gen 28:16-19) Surely if ‘El(God) commanded man to come to this place all the days that he live upon the earth (Deut 12:1-5), and if it is impossible to keep his Sabbaths and Holy Feast Days without gathering in this place, it had to be a universal place. This is his dwelling place; his habitation (Gen. 28:16-19; Deut.12:5).

I know that it may seem a little difficult for some to believe that ‘God has a place where he dwells for he is God and his presence may seem too big to be contained in a house. God is Almighty, and he can be any place at anytime, but if you want to find him anytime day or night and come before his presence, you can find him at Beyth-el. David understood this concept (Psalms 27:4) and God himself stated that this was his dwelling place. (Deut 12:1-5)

There are many mysteries concerning the house where God dwells (Beyth-el), which was given first to his Chief Shepherd by way of revelation. This included the way in which the name is recorded and how it is dependent on a number of other biblical principles. The recording must be established by the Chief Shepherd or 2 or more Apostles. .(Matthew 18:18-20)  Exodus 20:24 is a good example of both the Universal name and the blessing that come from this place.

….in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.

Record means to write. It is a physical sign or identifying mark that makes a distinction from one place to another. In Deut 12:5, it states …. to put his name there. Put is a physical action. It shows that something physical had to be on a place so that you could identify his house. Beyth-‘el is the universal location because scripture tells us that in ALL PLACES where his name is recorded that he will come and will bless. All places is plural, and since his sheep will be spread throughout the world (Matthew 24:31), and he made this a commandment for us to come to this place (Deut. 12:1-5), Beyth-el has to be established all over the world. God never in scripture promised to come to your house, job, or any other religious building to bless you. But here is one promise that we can see clearly from the Bible whether you agree or not; He has promised that where this name is recorded (1 Place), he will come and bless!

If you want a “Big Mac” sandwich, the only thing that you have to do is go to the place where there is a Golden Arch and/or the name McDonalds. No matter where you go in the world, you should get the same taste and service from this place. God was the first to create a franchise business, offering blessings and a promise to hear all of your prayers at this place.

The recording today must be the same way it was recorded thousands and thousands of years ago in Ancient Biblical Paleo Hebrew. In all the English Bibles, you will find this name spelled Bethel. The Hebrew name for this place can be found under #1008 of the Hebrew Dictionary of the Strong’s Concordance. Let’s make one thing clear however, it cannot be used today without the approval of the one in whom this revelation was given to. How can one person have so much power, and what gives him the authority to approve such a divine place? Amos 3:7 says surely the Lord will do nothing but revealeth his secrets to his servant the prophet. The revelation that the House of God and Gate of heaven was named Beyth-‘el; as well as its holy recording, was given by a true prophet. (Jacob)This information along with all of its secrets were lost for thousands of years, Since it was given to a true prophet thousands of years ago; today, this secret must be revealed by a true prophet. (Amos 3:7; Eccl. 12:11) In the book of Deut. 29:1,29, scripture tells us that the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed, belong unto us (Yisra’el) and unto our children forever.

Beyth-‘el cannot be independent of it’s people (Yisra’el) or its Chief Shepherd, who the Almighty revealed it to. Nobody, No Where in the world has this information nor can they prove that this is the correct recording of the Paleo-Hebrew, for there are several Paleo Hebrew styles. This is how one can discover his true people, his true doctrine, his true Apostle, and his true church. They have the secrets of salvation and can prove it. (Gen 28:14;1 Thes.5:21; Eph.4:11-12) The Apostleship: Seeking the true Prophet